Our Story

Hi Everyone!

We are an Irish Mental Health brand, dedicated to spreading positivity and awareness surrounding mental health and suicide prevention.

So my Dad (Sean) and I (Kaitlyn) lost my thirteen year old brother Jack to suicide in November 2018. Jack was the most adventurous, kind, and selfless boy we ever knew. He went above and beyond to help you, to be kind, and to make you feel included. To continue spreading Jacks positivity, myself and my Dad joined ideas in coming up with iCare.

Our mission is to remove the stigma associated with mental health, and having to 'man up'. We want people to understand that it is ok to not be ok and it is important to ask for help. Many individuals whom suffer with mental health issues think they are a burden to loved ones, when this is not the case. We understand asking for help and opening up is a daunting step to make. So we want to make this step easier by spreading mental health awareness and positivity.

The logo iCare was generated from Jacks graphic handwriting he used on his woodwork projects. The logo iCare, means what it says, we do care, your friends and family care, we all care.

We have launched a new project with the mental health graphic hoodies, designed by the amazing and talented @alfi.designs.s (Alannah). This design is really special to our brand, as it demonstrates our message perfectly, portraying that when you make that step of opening up there will be someone there to help and listen. Our photo content has been created by the amazing photographer Luke @flemingo_media.

We have donated all our profits to Pieta House and Marine watch up until now. At the moment we are investing the money into the business in order to expand and make changes that will impact the wellbeing and positivity of others.

Thank you for the support everyone!

Love from iCare.